Let us answer

Please find below an overview to the most frequently asked questions.


How many NORMA Group shares are issued?

There are 31,862,400 shares of NORMA Group SE issued. The shares of NORMA Group are registered shares.

What is the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) and the Wertpapierkennnummer (WKN)?

ISIN: DE000A1H8BV3 Security Identification Number: A1H8BV.

What is the ticker symbol of NORMA Group shares?

The ticker symbol is NOEJ.

Where are NORMA Group shares traded?

NORMA Group shares are actually traded in the electronic trading system Xetra, at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as well as at regional stock exchanges in Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Hanover, Berlin, Hamburg and Munich.

In which indices are NORMA Group shares included?

The NORMA Group share is represented in the following indices, among others: SDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share, MIDCAP MKT PR, STXE TM Automobiles & Parts Index, STXE Total Market Small Index, STOXX All Europe Total Market, STOXX Total Market Industrials Sector Price, EURO STOXX Total Market Price, Bloomberg ESG Data Index, Solactive ISS ESG Screened Europe Small Cap.

When and where was the first listing of NORMA Group shares?

NORMA Group shares were listed at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on April 8, 2011. You will find any information regarding the IPO (Initial Public Offering) in the Investor Relations section on our website: Stock Information.

Where do I find information about the share price development of NORMA Group shares?

Updated share price information can be found in the Investor Relations section on our website.

What is the free float in NORMA Group shares?

Since 2013, the free float is 100%. You will find further information on the ownership structure in the Investor Relations section on our website in the chapter ‘Share’.

To which class of shares do NORMA Group shares belong to?

NORMA Group shares are registered shares (Namensaktie).

Where can I find explanations for terms relating to the shares?

You can find explanations in the Investor Relations section on our website in the chapter ‘Glossary’.

Nominal Shares

What is a nominal share?

A company with registered shares has a share register with details of the shareholders as to name, date of birth, address and number of retained shares. Only those parties listed in the share register count as shareholders (§ 67 Abs. 1 und 2 AktG). A shareholder has the right to request information relating to his/her personal data listed in the share register.
The company is allowed to use the share register’s data for the duties to be fulfilled towards the shareholders. The company is only allowed to use the data for promotion if the shareholder does not dissent. Shareholders are to be informed of the right to dissent in an adequate way (§ 67 Abs. 6 AktG).
In case of dissent please contact NORMA Group SE, Investor Relations. You need to specify your personal data (name, address, date of birth) to ensure a distinct identification in the share register.

Does the share register impose operating costs on the shareholders and do the custody fees raise?

There are no operating costs for the shareholders due to the share register. There is no raise in custody fees.

Is it possible for a shareholder who is not listed in the share register to participate in the Annual General Meeting?

A participation in the Annual General Meeting is not readily possible as only parties listed in the share register count as shareholders. A shareholder who is not listed cannot register for the Annual General Meeting. A letter of attorney has to be issued by the party listed in the share register in place of the shareholder to enable the participation in the Annual General Meeting.

Do shareholders have to inform the company about changes in address?

The custodian bank of the shareholder informs the company about changes in the address of clients. Alternatively, shareholders can also adjust their communication data independently in the InvestorPortal.

Who is entitled to inspect the share register and where?

All shareholders are entitled to inspect the share register in the business premises of the company but this entitlement is limited to the own personal data. Shareholders can also use their personal access to the InvestorPortal to find out more about their shares and other data held about them.

Is the stored data in the share register passed on to third parties?

No, the data is not passed on and is only used for internal purposes of the company.

Who has access to the share register?

Access to the confidential data of the share register is only granted to a few selected employees of Investor Relations and the external share register service provider mandated by NORMA Group.

General Questions about NORMA Group

When was NORMA Group established?

NORMA Group was formed in 2006 from the merger of the German Rasmussen GmbH, founded in 1949, with the Swedish ABA Group, founded in 1896. Since then, NORMA Group has developed into a multinational corporation. The company has been listed on the stock exchange since 2011. Since 2013, NORMA Group has had the corporate form of a Societas Europaea (SE).

According to which financial accounting standards does NORMA Group report?

The annual financial statements of NORMA Group SE are prepared in accordance with German commercial law. The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Inter-national Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as applicable in the EU at the reporting date, and the supplementary provisions of German commercial law pursuant to section 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (HGB).

What is the business year of NORMA Group?

NORMA Group’s business year equals the calendar year (January 1 to December 31).

Where to get the Annual Reports / Interim Reports and Interim Statements?

All reports are available for download in German and English on our website in the Financial Reports section. For sustainability reasons, we refrain from printing our annual and quarterly reports.

What are the business segments of NORMA Group?

  1. Engineered Joining Technology (EJT)
    The area of EJT includes sophisticated, individually customised joining technology and is particularly characterised by close development partnerships with OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). NORMA Group’s central development departments and resident engineers work together with the customer on developing solutions for specific industrial challenges. Due to the constant proximity to customers in the area of EJT, NORMA Group’s engineers gain comprehensive knowledge and a deep understanding of the various challenges their end markets and customers face. Such development partnerships result in high-technology products that are designed not only to meet the needs of customers with respect to efficiency and performance, but that also take aspects such as weight reduction and quick installation into consideration. As a result, they generate substantial added value for the customers and contribute to their economic success.

  2. Standardized Joining Technology (SJT)
    NORMA Group markets a broad range of high-quality, standardized branded products via its Standardized Joining Technology (SJT) segment, which comprises the two strategic business units Water Management and Industry Applications. This also includes various solutions in the areas of storm water management and landscape irrigation and joining components for water infrastructure solutions. In addition to its own global distribution network, the company also relies on sales representatives, distributors and importers as multipliers. NORMA Group’s customers include distributors, specialized wholesalers, OEM customers in the spare parts market, do-it-yourself (DIY) stores and applications in smaller industries. The brands ABA®, Breeze®, Clamp-All®, CONNECTORS®, FISH®, Gemi®, Kimplas®, NDS®, NORMA®, Raindrip®, R.G.RAY®, Serflex®, TRUSTLENE® and TORCA® represent technical expertise, high quality and delivery reliability and comply with the technical standards of the countries in which they are sold.

How many employees are working for NORMA Group?

As of December 31, 2021 NORMA Group had 6,191 permanent employees and 2,012 temporary workers worldwide.


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